all postcodes in NE10 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE10 0PY 2 2 54.950013 -1.556374
NE10 0QD 12 9 54.953311 -1.544362
NE10 0QE 1 1 54.954477 -1.538495
NE10 0QH 22 14 54.959838 -1.569899
NE10 0QJ 6 0 54.953499 -1.546048
NE10 0QL 68 0 54.954024 -1.547042
NE10 0QN 20 0 54.95436 -1.545539
NE10 0QP 36 0 54.954907 -1.547719
NE10 0QQ 52 0 54.954552 -1.546536
NE10 0QR 16 8 54.953693 -1.545172
NE10 0QS 19 1 54.954178 -1.545057
NE10 0QT 28 0 54.95391 -1.545419
NE10 0QU 9 6 54.953797 -1.544046
NE10 0QY 31 3 54.95557 -1.544807
NE10 0QZ 24 0 54.954462 -1.544086
NE10 0RA 35 0 54.956323 -1.546704
NE10 0RB 63 1 54.955601 -1.543511
NE10 0RD 32 0 54.95453 -1.543179
NE10 0RE 41 0 54.955686 -1.544478
NE10 0RH 13 1 54.954088 -1.542544