all postcodes in NE10 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE10 0RL 22 0 54.954828 -1.541099
NE10 0RN 19 0 54.955852 -1.540916
NE10 0RP 20 0 54.956092 -1.542599
NE10 0RQ 30 0 54.955701 -1.541339
NE10 0RR 36 1 54.954718 -1.540366
NE10 0RS 15 4 54.956831 -1.538453
NE10 0RT 12 0 54.955885 -1.537761
NE10 0RU 11 0 54.956165 -1.538242
NE10 0RX 29 0 54.956963 -1.537608
NE10 0RY 30 0 54.947888 -1.569779
NE10 0RZ 32 0 54.948204 -1.570198
NE10 0SB 16 11 54.962111 -1.56722
NE10 0SG 25 0 54.956494 -1.532585
NE10 0SH 4 0 54.955863 -1.534482
NE10 0SJ 8 0 54.956222 -1.534384
NE10 0SL 7 1 54.956578 -1.533427
NE10 0SN 1 0 54.956766 -1.533222
NE10 0SP 1 0 54.960786 -1.53633
NE10 0SR 1 1 54.957968 -1.537347
NE10 0SS 18 0 54.956148 -1.533698