all postcodes in NE10 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE10 0TT 28 0 54.957761 -1.537365
NE10 0TW 6 0 54.955961 -1.53662
NE10 0TX 1 1 54.959033 -1.538521
NE10 0TZ 14 0 54.956626 -1.536488
NE10 0UA 2 0 54.959969 -1.539351
NE10 0UB 11 0 54.958352 -1.538998
NE10 0UD 16 0 54.957887 -1.539628
NE10 0UE 34 1 54.957653 -1.539661
NE10 0UF 3 1 54.957884 -1.536614
NE10 0UH 22 4 54.957434 -1.538805
NE10 0UJ 15 0 54.957212 -1.539401
NE10 0UN 2 1 54.957569 -1.532039
NE10 0UR 19 13 54.959747 -1.542493
NE10 0UW 15 13 54.951966 -1.545204
NE10 0UP 16 10 54.951922 -1.542662
NE10 0UX 1 1 54.951741 -1.552249
NE10 0UY 11 0 54.952476 -1.551415
NE10 0UZ 48 1 54.95372 -1.542782
NE10 0WZ 1 0 54.958273 -1.600635
NE10 0XA 17 0 54.949487 -1.547545