all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 8AE 12 0 55.014117 -1.677707
NE13 8AF 14 3 55.015615 -1.676522
NE13 8AG 34 0 55.013924 -1.679523
NE13 8AH 8 1 55.017428 -1.682497
NE13 8AL 2 0 55.023942 -1.683149
NE13 8AN 9 0 55.021749 -1.689095
NE13 8AP 31 0 55.021125 -1.694418
NE13 8AQ 18 0 55.013346 -1.678104
NE13 8AR 31 2 55.021448 -1.694228
NE13 8AS 32 0 55.022782 -1.695875
NE13 8AT 9 0 55.021883 -1.695882
NE13 8AU 13 0 55.022767 -1.697314
NE13 8AW 2 0 55.020022 -1.692846
NE13 8BG 3 0 55.021732 -1.692943
NE13 8BH 12 12 55.030521 -1.700166
NE13 8BZ 40 40 55.036913 -1.710037
NE13 8BJ 32 0 55.02215 -1.691282
NE13 8BL 15 0 55.023459 -1.693649
NE13 8BN 5 1 55.030031 -1.701953
NE13 8BP 5 1 55.028483 -1.704655