all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 7JN 10 0 55.051625 -1.674072
NE13 7JP 42 0 55.053054 -1.674295
NE13 7JQ 4 0 55.041786 -1.636345
NE13 7JR 2 1 55.054143 -1.675615
NE13 7JS 2 1 55.05461 -1.675658
NE13 7JT 40 1 55.055385 -1.672179
NE13 7JU 24 0 55.055082 -1.669724
NE13 7JW 9 1 55.051281 -1.673324
NE13 7JX 20 0 55.054761 -1.670791
NE13 7JY 56 1 55.053755 -1.671034
NE13 7JZ 24 0 55.054585 -1.671935
NE13 7LA 17 0 55.054451 -1.672296
NE13 7LB 15 0 55.054193 -1.673488
NE13 7LD 4 0 55.055267 -1.674998
NE13 7LE 4 0 55.052363 -1.674442
NE13 7LF 50 0 55.051772 -1.675276
NE13 7LG 7 4 55.054607 -1.676772
NE13 7LH 10 0 55.056139 -1.675053
NE13 7LJ 12 0 55.053079 -1.676878
NE13 7LL 12 0 55.053595 -1.678424