all postcodes in NE13 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE13 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE13 9DD 71 0 55.027819 -1.647797
NE13 9DF 6 0 55.034034 -1.641044
NE13 9DG 12 0 55.035091 -1.639908
NE13 9DH 32 0 55.034631 -1.641573
NE13 9DJ 30 0 55.035428 -1.64136
NE13 9DB 0 55.028898 -1.64785
NE13 9DN 47 0 55.028682 -1.647696
NE13 9DL 0 55.035948 -1.641074
NE13 9DP 0 55.03486 -1.634888
NE13 9DQ 0 55.035044 -1.636154
NE13 9NW 0 55.032503 -1.658846
NE13 9DR 0 55.034188 -1.635567
NE13 9DS 0 55.027964 -1.655193
NE13 9DT 0 55.028305 -1.654987
NE13 9DU 0 55.027166 -1.652776
NE13 9DW 0 55.026947 -1.654702
NE13 9NQ 3 0 55.033606 -1.653879
NE13 9DX 0 55.03521 -1.637748
NE13 9DZ 0 55.029646 -1.649265
NE13 9DY 5 0 55.029987 -1.649231