all postcodes in NE17 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE17 7DP 0 54.919382 -1.814677
NE17 7DQ 0 54.918942 -1.808828
NE17 7DR 0 54.906137 -1.815049
NE17 7DT 0 54.906394 -1.818386
NE17 7DW 0 54.91308 -1.80115
NE17 7DX 0 54.9067 -1.819055
NE17 7EF 0 54.915613 -1.817705
NE17 7EG 0 54.915522 -1.816863
NE17 7EH 0 54.915171 -1.812117
NE17 7EJ 0 54.914883 -1.810314
NE17 7EL 0 54.914631 -1.810611
NE17 7EN 0 54.914892 -1.811931
NE17 7EP 0 54.913903 -1.816152
NE17 7EQ 0 54.915429 -1.815022
NE17 7ER 3 54.914749 -1.816944
NE17 7ES 0 54.911088 -1.814793
NE17 7ET 0 54.913518 -1.816825
NE17 7EU 0 54.914913 -1.818612
NE17 7EW 0 54.915178 -1.815101
NE17 7EX 0 54.914013 -1.817868