all postcodes in NE17 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE17 7EY 0 54.911009 -1.815947
NE17 7EZ 0 54.912557 -1.817282
NE17 7HA 0 54.911789 -1.814602
NE17 7HB 0 54.910709 -1.813546
NE17 7HD 0 54.910586 -1.815091
NE17 7HE 0 54.910615 -1.817025
NE17 7HF 0 54.903632 -1.822484
NE17 7HS 3 54.918381 -1.817957
NE17 7HU 5 54.919428 -1.815113
NE17 7HX 3 54.919536 -1.815471
NE17 7HY 3 54.918935 -1.815989
NE17 7HZ 7 54.918612 -1.816521
NE17 7JA 1 54.919564 -1.815971
NE17 7JD 0 54.918204 -1.819596
NE17 7JE 0 54.917962 -1.820096
NE17 7JF 0 54.917808 -1.819379
NE17 7JG 0 54.917583 -1.819458
NE17 7JH 0 54.917639 -1.820925
NE17 7JJ 0 54.917289 -1.821051
NE17 7JL 0 54.917413 -1.81949