all postcodes in NE17 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE17 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE17 7JN 0 54.91717 -1.819351
NE17 7JP 0 54.917008 -1.819336
NE17 7JQ 0 54.917917 -1.820533
NE17 7JR 0 54.91673 -1.819415
NE17 7JS 0 54.91655 -1.819479
NE17 7JT 0 54.916334 -1.819495
NE17 7JU 0 54.915778 -1.819966
NE17 7JW 0 54.916677 -1.820414
NE17 7JX 0 54.914847 -1.822123
NE17 7JY 0 54.914867 -1.824026
NE17 7JZ 0 54.919005 -1.820404
NE17 7LA 0 54.918862 -1.821138
NE17 7LB 0 54.919384 -1.821931
NE17 7LD 0 54.919412 -1.822664
NE17 7LE 0 54.919413 -1.823023
NE17 7LF 0 54.919405 -1.823741
NE17 7LG 0 54.919212 -1.827018
NE17 7LH 0 54.906584 -1.813269
NE17 7LJ 0 54.906824 -1.817853
NE17 7LW 0 54.906446 -1.817184