all postcodes in NE19 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE19 1HW 3 0 55.269883 -2.206895
NE19 1JE 6 0 55.232821 -2.187614
NE19 1JF 2 1 55.237704 -2.198653
NE19 1JG 3 0 55.241331 -2.204215
NE19 1JH 5 0 55.252389 -2.223377
NE19 1JJ 3 0 55.25727 -2.230319
NE19 1JL 2 0 55.264543 -2.244059
NE19 1JQ 1 0 55.248246 -2.213696
NE19 1JT 1 1 55.229268 -2.17796
NE19 1JX 3 0 55.225845 -2.189279
NE19 1JZ 9 0 55.217298 -2.184853
NE19 1LA 4 0 55.225789 -2.212262
NE19 1LB 3 0 55.231646 -2.208552
NE19 1LD 1 0 55.22879 -2.222482
NE19 1LE 1 0 55.231491 -2.252433
NE19 1LF 3 0 55.238206 -2.21865
NE19 1LG 1 0 55.238163 -2.231954
NE19 1LH 1 0 55.250527 -2.23706
NE19 1LJ 14 1 55.235818 -2.184295
NE19 1LL 9 0 55.236431 -2.182977