all postcodes in NE19 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE19 1LN 13 0 55.235595 -2.183036
NE19 1LQ 3 0 55.24486 -2.226048
NE19 1LW 2 0 55.236146 -2.183754
NE19 1LY 3 0 55.222403 -2.158547
NE19 1LZ 1 0 55.2338 -2.155652
NE19 1NA 6 0 55.231937 -2.143648
NE19 1NB 1 0 55.22574 -2.155432
NE19 1ND 3 0 55.219685 -2.139502
NE19 1NP 54 1 55.231226 -2.178629
NE19 1NS 1 1 55.232449 -2.178021
NE19 1NT 2 0 55.231897 -2.1832
NE19 1NU 12 0 55.231106 -2.174572
NE19 1NX 11 1 55.247589 -2.178341
NE19 1RA 17 0 55.276753 -2.264967
NE19 1RB 3 0 55.281713 -2.264685
NE19 1RD 1 0 55.281964 -2.256548
NE19 1RE 1 0 55.286601 -2.264797
NE19 1RF 2 0 55.298854 -2.275848
NE19 1RH 27 2 55.276541 -2.267138
NE19 1RU 1 0 55.267775 -2.256834