all postcodes in NE19 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE19 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE19 1RX 2 0 55.26803 -2.269323
NE19 1RY 3 0 55.263833 -2.264267
NE19 1RZ 2 0 55.258194 -2.263813
NE19 1SA 1 0 55.255607 -2.257715
NE19 1SN 1 0 55.28388 -2.2954
NE19 1SW 1 0 55.294544 -2.341085
NE19 1TA 6 1 55.265668 -2.245915
NE19 1TB 2 0 55.279882 -2.28502
NE19 1TD 4 1 55.283097 -2.28483
NE19 1TE 1 0 55.287984 -2.296501
NE19 1TF 9 1 55.308143 -2.349394
NE19 1TH 1 0 55.327395 -2.375301
NE19 1TJ 4 0 55.339587 -2.455017
NE19 1TR 10 0 55.314575 -2.362307
NE19 1TS 17 1 55.318069 -2.372556
NE19 1TT 32 0 55.317454 -2.373205
NE19 1TX 5 0 55.323888 -2.401444
NE19 1TY 2 0 55.318277 -2.414
NE19 1TZ 3 0 55.329369 -2.426094
NE19 1AZ 4 0 55.232613 -2.106874