all postcodes in NE1 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE1 2NP 13 54.974867 -1.594657
NE1 2NS 5 54.974863 -1.596141
NE1 2PD 0 54.97188 -1.592862
NE1 2PE 2 54.97164 -1.591161
NE1 2PF 1 54.972805 -1.590772
NE1 2PL 1 54.974474 -1.592054
NE1 2PN 1 54.974931 -1.591722
NE1 2PQ 13 54.974931 -1.592375
NE1 2PW 6 54.974942 -1.595096
NE1 2PZ 2 54.975442 -1.594636
NE1 2QG 0 54.973865 -1.593355
NE1 2QH 0 54.973884 -1.595638
NE1 2QJ 0 54.973665 -1.594734
NE1 2QL 0 54.974041 -1.594246
NE1 2QP 0 54.973384 -1.593893
NE1 2QR 0 54.973121 -1.59338
NE1 2QS 0 54.973125 -1.594396
NE1 2QT 0 54.973127 -1.595177
NE1 2QU 0 54.973399 -1.595674
NE1 2QX 2 54.973724 -1.596171