all postcodes in NE1 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE1 3AF 5 54.96877 -1.607152
NE1 3BB 0 54.971397 -1.596319
NE1 3BD 4 54.971389 -1.596569
NE1 3BT 1 54.967774 -1.624562
NE1 3BZ 3 54.967708 -1.62016
NE1 3DE 15 54.969089 -1.605011
NE1 3DF 2 54.969816 -1.605283
NE1 3DH 0 54.970228 -1.602342
NE1 3DN 0 54.970365 -1.602312
NE1 3DQ 9 54.969635 -1.604256
NE1 3DU 1 54.970128 -1.601221
NE1 3DW 0 54.970196 -1.602642
NE1 3DX 14 54.970984 -1.599307
NE1 3DY 1 54.97132 -1.597491
NE1 3HA 0 54.969947 -1.606268
NE1 3HB 0 54.969514 -1.605991
NE1 3HD 0 54.969486 -1.60546
NE1 3HE 0 54.969388 -1.605711
NE1 3HF 0 54.969947 -1.606268
NE1 3JA 7 54.969479 -1.608772