all postcodes in NE1 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

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Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE1 2ST 2 54.974168 -1.602837
NE1 2SW 15 54.974639 -1.601207
NE1 2SY 1 54.974668 -1.599846
NE1 2SZ 2 54.974206 -1.604053
NE1 2TE 6 54.97421 -1.601883
NE1 2TP 0 54.973772 -1.597279
NE1 2TQ 1 54.974455 -1.597163
NE1 2TY 1 54.974943 -1.600626
NE1 2AY 64 0 54.97148 -1.605253
NE1 2EQ 58 0 54.970792 -1.606447
NE1 2HF 12 12 54.970518 -1.605138
NE1 2BA 0 54.972911 -1.592133
NE1 2BN 0 54.972596 -1.592245
NE1 2JR 68 0 54.972455 -1.603869
NE1 2JS 1 54.971758 -1.605063
NE1 2PA 1 0 54.975316 -1.591265
NE1 2HJ 5 54.970975 -1.605334
NE1 2JE 196 187 54.971302 -1.602896
NE1 2WZ 0 54.96746 -1.615383
NE1 2HH 2 54.970731 -1.604774