all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 4SP 7 2 54.965199 -1.730312
NE21 4SU 1 0 54.964209 -1.729632
NE21 4SQ 21 21 54.973972 -1.736453
NE21 4SR 6 0 54.96474 -1.730425
NE21 4ST 1 0 54.961387 -1.737834
NE21 4SY 1 0 54.959447 -1.742688
NE21 4SZ 1 0 54.958626 -1.74096
NE21 4TA 5 0 54.957376 -1.740468
NE21 4TE 19 15 54.973286 -1.738335
NE21 4AG 1 54.964406 -1.714477
NE21 4SD 1 54.973002 -1.73579
NE21 4NU 0 54.972971 -1.746616
NE21 4FE 70 0 54.972581 -1.728482
NE21 4FD 61 0 54.972281 -1.731108
NE21 4FF 59 0 54.973853 -1.731658
NE21 4FG 52 0 54.973159 -1.729775
NE21 4FH 48 0 54.974352 -1.728907
NE21 4FJ 74 0 54.970732 -1.730085
NE21 4FL 33 0 54.970985 -1.730023
NE21 4FN 16 0 54.971162 -1.729458