all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 4QJ 17 0 54.962742 -1.712977
NE21 4QL 2 0 54.961063 -1.714673
NE21 4QQ 9 0 54.961988 -1.713592
NE21 4RA 18 0 54.956789 -1.723045
NE21 4RD 3 2 54.955173 -1.723602
NE21 4RE 24 8 54.955105 -1.725336
NE21 4RF 8 6 54.954915 -1.724963
NE21 4RG 17 1 54.956801 -1.724419
NE21 4RH 6 0 54.957218 -1.722011
NE21 4RJ 34 0 54.957796 -1.723397
NE21 4RL 36 0 54.958572 -1.72461
NE21 4RN 9 0 54.957566 -1.72496
NE21 4RP 38 0 54.959087 -1.725777
NE21 4RQ 25 0 54.957301 -1.722885
NE21 4RR 51 0 54.956943 -1.727463
NE21 4RS 42 0 54.957668 -1.726224
NE21 4RW 34 0 54.957878 -1.727753
NE21 4SA 1 1 54.971579 -1.734487
NE21 4SB 2 2 54.972473 -1.73715
NE21 4SJ 1 1 54.972799 -1.73765