all postcodes in NE26 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE26 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE26 2JS 33 0 55.040926 -1.452
NE26 2JT 21 1 55.041176 -1.449634
NE26 2JU 38 0 55.041193 -1.451558
NE26 2JW 1 1 55.041202 -1.447646
NE26 2LX 6 2 55.041749 -1.441721
NE26 2LY 2 0 55.041548 -1.440957
NE26 2NA 25 8 55.040759 -1.439124
NE26 2ND 1 1 55.04141 -1.43996
NE26 2NE 34 10 55.03998 -1.437836
NE26 2NF 32 1 55.039364 -1.436733
NE26 2NG 35 0 55.039859 -1.436899
NE26 2NH 8 0 55.041264 -1.435502
NE26 2NL 27 0 55.041239 -1.434421
NE26 2NN 33 0 55.040863 -1.434396
NE26 2NP 14 0 55.039898 -1.435521
NE26 2NQ 24 0 55.040792 -1.436619
NE26 2NR 49 1 55.039267 -1.435092
NE26 2NS 19 0 55.040167 -1.433561
NE26 2NT 28 0 55.040038 -1.43289
NE26 2NU 13 0 55.03936 -1.433839