all postcodes in NE26 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE26 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE26 2RD 17 5 55.040628 -1.442316
NE26 2RE 14 6 55.042539 -1.443494
NE26 2RQ 24 6 55.044297 -1.442502
NE26 2RF 3 2 55.043523 -1.442231
NE26 2RG 13 5 55.04306 -1.443518
NE26 2RJ 1 1 55.044207 -1.442518
NE26 2RL 1 1 55.044292 -1.441344
NE26 2SA 1 1 55.042035 -1.450999
NE26 2SB 11 3 55.041921 -1.451533
NE26 2SD 8 2 55.04183 -1.453302
NE26 2SE 7 1 55.041689 -1.451802
NE26 2SF 8 0 55.041607 -1.453649
NE26 2SN 8 4 55.041932 -1.445977
NE26 2SS 7 7 55.042089 -1.444989
NE26 2SW 1 1 55.041975 -1.445601
NE26 2SY 18 14 55.041893 -1.443317
NE26 2TA 22 16 55.042097 -1.443109
NE26 2TE 19 14 55.042385 -1.445327
NE26 2TF 1 1 55.042394 -1.444938
NE26 2TG 7 6 55.042018 -1.447056