all postcodes in NE26 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE26 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE26 2NW 10 1 55.040551 -1.434949
NE26 2NX 4 0 55.040427 -1.435404
NE26 2NY 16 0 55.040215 -1.436174
NE26 2PA 18 0 55.038763 -1.433096
NE26 2PB 19 0 55.037954 -1.431509
NE26 2PD 24 1 55.037686 -1.431499
NE26 2PF 13 0 55.037835 -1.432514
NE26 2PG 49 0 55.038121 -1.434028
NE26 2PH 31 0 55.03888 -1.434941
NE26 2PJ 27 1 55.037789 -1.434299
NE26 2PL 30 0 55.038344 -1.435668
NE26 2PN 30 0 55.038855 -1.433548
NE26 2PQ 37 0 55.038698 -1.434521
NE26 2QN 41 4 55.041484 -1.444403
NE26 2QS 38 0 55.041145 -1.443015
NE26 2QT 4 3 55.040031 -1.442921
NE26 2QW 30 4 55.041347 -1.443888
NE26 2QY 19 7 55.041341 -1.442496
NE26 2QZ 18 5 55.040623 -1.44274
NE26 2RA 7 3 55.041249 -1.44209