all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 6AB 1 1 54.988059 -1.533813
NE28 6AR 32 0 54.988179 -1.53714
NE28 6AS 15 0 54.988418 -1.538466
NE28 6AU 44 0 54.988021 -1.538189
NE28 6AX 2 1 54.987119 -1.537634
NE28 6BA 28 0 54.986998 -1.536044
NE28 6BB 1 1 54.996309 -1.529278
NE28 6BS 24 0 54.986346 -1.537005
NE28 6BT 51 0 54.986097 -1.537852
NE28 6BU 46 0 54.985873 -1.53812
NE28 6BW 19 1 54.98664 -1.536501
NE28 6BX 21 0 54.98522 -1.538831
NE28 6BY 21 17 54.984268 -1.538873
NE28 6DD 1 1 54.985404 -1.535187
NE28 6DH 12 0 54.989302 -1.536893
NE28 6DL 9 8 54.987053 -1.533903
NE28 6DU 18 0 54.988469 -1.532964
NE28 6DX 62 0 54.988596 -1.533773
NE28 6EA 21 0 54.991428 -1.495482
NE28 6EF 10 0 54.988646 -1.532259