all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6BT 1 55.002332 -1.4688
NE29 6BW 0 55.002652 -1.470125
NE29 6BY 0 55.004418 -1.448824
NE29 6DA 2 54.995817 -1.46099
NE29 6DD 1 55.007911 -1.44618
NE29 6DE 11 54.996977 -1.464948
NE29 6DH 0 54.999699 -1.460675
NE29 6DL 3 54.994697 -1.461383
NE29 6DN 0 54.994264 -1.452901
NE29 6DP 0 54.993847 -1.450156
NE29 6DQ 3 55.002296 -1.458623
NE29 6DS 0 54.993599 -1.450972
NE29 6DU 2 54.995798 -1.450659
NE29 6DW 44 54.995181 -1.465222
NE29 6DY 1 54.989886 -1.464698
NE29 6EE 1 54.992529 -1.4528
NE29 6EH 3 55.001679 -1.451501
NE29 6EJ 0 55.002723 -1.457476
NE29 6EL 0 55.002737 -1.458602
NE29 6EQ 0 55.003359 -1.445102