all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6HA 0 55.004059 -1.445045
NE29 6HD 0 55.000028 -1.476334
NE29 6HF 0 55.006722 -1.441678
NE29 6HH 0 55.001094 -1.473444
NE29 6HJ 0 55.005893 -1.443128
NE29 6HN 2 55.000781 -1.475871
NE29 6HP 0 54.998796 -1.473865
NE29 6HQ 0 55.001163 -1.472833
NE29 6HR 0 54.998111 -1.473561
NE29 6HS 7 54.997596 -1.472755
NE29 6HW 2 54.998566 -1.474743
NE29 6HZ 0 54.997301 -1.473134
NE29 6JA 1 54.996855 -1.473937
NE29 6JB 0 54.996483 -1.473176
NE29 6JD 1 54.997798 -1.475926
NE29 6JE 0 54.997202 -1.475183
NE29 6JF 0 54.99677 -1.477111
NE29 6JG 0 54.998437 -1.476105
NE29 6JL 0 54.998826 -1.476725
NE29 6JN 0 54.996244 -1.478181