all postcodes in NE29 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE29 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE29 6JP 0 54.998323 -1.472714
NE29 6JQ 0 54.99649 -1.476865
NE29 6JS 0 54.998324 -1.474965
NE29 6JW 0 54.99596 -1.476872
NE29 6JZ 0 55.00519 -1.446608
NE29 6LD 0 55.004871 -1.443968
NE29 6LG 0 55.003564 -1.444755
NE29 6LQ 1 55.004395 -1.444069
NE29 6LH 0 55.0045 -1.445008
NE29 6LL 0 55.006995 -1.448304
NE29 6LN 0 55.004047 -1.446202
NE29 6LP 0 55.004338 -1.447089
NE29 6LR 0 55.004484 -1.447556
NE29 6LU 0 55.005919 -1.446911
NE29 6LW 0 55.004099 -1.445779
NE29 6LZ 0 55.005206 -1.448281
NE29 6NB 0 55.004846 -1.448145
NE29 6NF 1 55.006698 -1.446244
NE29 6NG 1 55.006117 -1.445186
NE29 6NJ 0 55.005419 -1.44573