all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 1DD 2 0 55.011844 -1.439978
NE30 1DE 4 0 55.011296 -1.439785
NE30 1DJ 4 0 55.010591 -1.436996
NE30 1DL 15 9 55.011745 -1.4379
NE30 1DQ 1 0 55.009342 -1.437199
NE30 1DR 39 0 55.008936 -1.440412
NE30 1DS 8 6 55.011731 -1.43673
NE30 1DT 5 4 55.011884 -1.436649
NE30 1DW 1 1 55.012255 -1.437424
NE30 1DX 10 6 55.012778 -1.435868
NE30 1DY 1 1 55.012855 -1.436714
NE30 1ED 8 7 55.01273 -1.438905
NE30 1EE 25 1 55.013186 -1.438351
NE30 1EF 22 0 55.012655 -1.440204
NE30 1EG 30 12 55.012152 -1.442244
NE30 1EH 40 0 55.011626 -1.441063
NE30 1EL 6 1 55.011114 -1.441458
NE30 1EP 31 0 55.009855 -1.437053
NE30 1ER 16 0 55.011183 -1.444556
NE30 1ES 27 0 55.008932 -1.441491