all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 1ET 14 0 55.009255 -1.441533
NE30 1EW 2 0 55.010347 -1.442767
NE30 1HE 2 1 55.007204 -1.441184
NE30 1HF 28 4 55.0082 -1.438734
NE30 1HJ 26 7 55.009353 -1.435776
NE30 1HN 1 1 55.007372 -1.440324
NE30 1HR 2 2 55.00996 -1.434845
NE30 1JA 18 7 55.009644 -1.434179
NE30 1JE 7 7 55.010136 -1.433672
NE30 1JH 10 9 55.01203 -1.433643
NE30 1JP 4 0 55.010572 -1.43659
NE30 1JS 1 1 55.010008 -1.435237
NE30 1JU 7 0 55.00943 -1.436606
NE30 1JW 28 0 55.009759 -1.439587
NE30 1JX 15 0 55.00982 -1.437567
NE30 1JZ 38 0 55.009647 -1.438713
NE30 1LA 51 0 55.010182 -1.435938
NE30 1LJ 1 1 55.007399 -1.44034
NE30 1LL 3 2 55.011013 -1.434988
NE30 1LZ 1 1 55.007336 -1.442357