all postcodes in NE30 / NORTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE30 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE30 1PW 17 8 55.0106 -1.444736
NE30 1PX 6 5 55.010829 -1.446044
NE30 1QD 1 1 55.01091 -1.445717
NE30 1QG 4 3 55.010703 -1.447533
NE30 1QQ 26 1 55.00989 -1.446638
NE30 1QU 1 1 55.009841 -1.44581
NE30 1QX 1 1 55.009584 -1.446689
NE30 1SE 6 55.008841 -1.443476
NE30 1AD 4 0 55.008051 -1.439471
NE30 1JG 3 55.012644 -1.433996
NE30 1HB 2 55.010339 -1.434935
NE30 1BF 24 0 55.009866 -1.441478
NE30 1DP 0 55.011303 -1.439269
NE30 1QA 0 55.010812 -1.444199
NE30 1DA 2 0 55.011286 -1.435983