all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 7BJ 0 54.976459 -1.388025
NE34 7BL 0 54.976295 -1.389418
NE34 7BN 0 54.97711 -1.388812
NE34 7BP 0 54.976002 -1.390173
NE34 7BQ 0 54.977146 -1.385421
NE34 7BS 1 54.977017 -1.377565
NE34 7BU 0 54.976164 -1.384858
NE34 7BT 0 54.976435 -1.385042
NE34 7BW 0 54.977358 -1.388105
NE34 7DE 0 54.978381 -1.393199
NE34 7DF 1 54.978861 -1.393989
NE34 7DG 0 54.979463 -1.395745
NE34 7DH 0 54.978659 -1.38957
NE34 7DJ 0 54.977569 -1.389055
NE34 7DL 0 54.976037 -1.391719
NE34 7DN 0 54.975816 -1.394269
NE34 7DP 0 54.97513 -1.397325
NE34 7DQ 1 54.978914 -1.39205
NE34 7DR 0 54.976488 -1.39568
NE34 7DS 0 54.97688 -1.39494