all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 0AB 5 5 54.979013 -1.44506
NE34 0AD 29 5 54.977875 -1.445654
NE34 0AE 16 3 54.976951 -1.443841
NE34 0AG 2 2 54.976057 -1.443054
NE34 0AJ 1 1 54.974592 -1.440764
NE34 0AL 43 0 54.971205 -1.442983
NE34 0AN 36 0 54.9709 -1.441222
NE34 0AP 27 0 54.970489 -1.441602
NE34 0AQ 5 0 54.983857 -1.421619
NE34 0AR 24 12 54.97385 -1.439822
NE34 0AS 15 2 54.972412 -1.439592
NE34 0AT 3 2 54.973105 -1.439988
NE34 0BE 25 0 54.970677 -1.443506
NE34 0BF 39 0 54.970847 -1.445253
NE34 0BH 19 0 54.968654 -1.447095
NE34 0BJ 45 0 54.96943 -1.445913
NE34 0BN 11 0 54.971742 -1.444538
NE34 0BP 26 0 54.971648 -1.443539
NE34 0BQ 52 0 54.969397 -1.444664
NE34 0BT 27 0 54.971634 -1.442446