all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 7DT 0 54.976114 -1.39453
NE34 7DU 0 54.976042 -1.39639
NE34 7DW 0 54.975008 -1.396327
NE34 7DX 0 54.976325 -1.397292
NE34 7DY 0 54.976041 -1.398077
NE34 7DZ 0 54.976993 -1.397829
NE34 7EA 0 54.977384 -1.397073
NE34 7EB 0 54.97807 -1.397547
NE34 7ED 0 54.977794 -1.396348
NE34 7EE 0 54.978468 -1.396385
NE34 7EF 0 54.978326 -1.394778
NE34 7EG 0 54.978393 -1.39404
NE34 7EH 0 54.976853 -1.393113
NE34 7EJ 0 54.977677 -1.392663
NE34 7EL 0 54.97818 -1.392841
NE34 7EN 0 54.978103 -1.391641
NE34 7EP 0 54.977512 -1.390197
NE34 7EQ 0 54.977828 -1.394113
NE34 7ER 0 54.976684 -1.391834
NE34 7ES 0 54.977663 -1.393413