all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 8DZ 0 54.96329 -1.389147
NE34 8EA 0 54.967102 -1.400257
NE34 8EB 0 54.967742 -1.398779
NE34 8ED 1 54.968021 -1.397073
NE34 8EE 0 54.968758 -1.397093
NE34 8EF 0 54.969098 -1.396963
NE34 8EG 1 54.969422 -1.395224
NE34 8EH 0 54.970026 -1.397355
NE34 8EJ 0 54.97028 -1.397789
NE34 8EN 0 54.967179 -1.397632
NE34 8EP 0 54.956384 -1.425042
NE34 8EQ 0 54.969652 -1.397985
NE34 8EZ 0 54.96161 -1.431918
NE34 8FS 2 54.968709 -1.420647
NE34 8HA 0 54.961578 -1.432715
NE34 8HB 0 54.960006 -1.431003
NE34 8HD 0 54.960505 -1.432027
NE34 8HE 0 54.958396 -1.430589
NE34 8HF 9 54.958777 -1.431302
NE34 8HG 0 54.959918 -1.433128