all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 8HH 0 54.958653 -1.431725
NE34 8HJ 0 54.957276 -1.43126
NE34 8HL 0 54.958087 -1.429937
NE34 8HN 0 54.95692 -1.430047
NE34 8HP 0 54.95589 -1.429
NE34 8HQ 0 54.958719 -1.432396
NE34 8HR 0 54.957148 -1.428967
NE34 8HS 0 54.956635 -1.426944
NE34 8HT 0 54.957194 -1.427139
NE34 8HU 0 54.956948 -1.42847
NE34 8HW 1 54.956644 -1.430629
NE34 8HX 0 54.958424 -1.428902
NE34 8HY 0 54.958109 -1.426892
NE34 8HZ 0 54.957095 -1.425345
NE34 8JA 0 54.957723 -1.425148
NE34 8JB 0 54.95877 -1.426008
NE34 8JD 0 54.9589 -1.425069
NE34 8JE 0 54.959507 -1.426044
NE34 8JF 0 54.959662 -1.42662
NE34 8JG 0 54.958768 -1.427554