all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 0BU 20 0 54.972339 -1.441311
NE34 0BW 42 0 54.972392 -1.443216
NE34 0BX 4 3 54.973054 -1.440661
NE34 0BY 28 3 54.972223 -1.439983
NE34 0BZ 61 0 54.970066 -1.443467
NE34 0DB 15 0 54.972121 -1.438893
NE34 0DD 20 0 54.972678 -1.438823
NE34 0DE 24 0 54.972142 -1.43769
NE34 0DH 16 0 54.968222 -1.44507
NE34 0DJ 17 0 54.968755 -1.44372
NE34 0DL 12 0 54.977601 -1.419459
NE34 0DN 15 0 54.977288 -1.41976
NE34 0DP 20 0 54.979498 -1.421416
NE34 0DR 12 0 54.978322 -1.419776
NE34 0DS 30 0 54.979085 -1.421547
NE34 0DT 12 0 54.97848 -1.419149
NE34 0DU 1 0 54.977013 -1.418686
NE34 0DW 5 0 54.977499 -1.420554
NE34 0DX 10 0 54.979023 -1.419844
NE34 0DY 25 0 54.977951 -1.421297