all postcodes in NE34 / SOUTH SHIELDS

find any address or company within the NE34 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE34 0DZ 16 0 54.977178 -1.421215
NE34 0EA 18 0 54.977294 -1.422838
NE34 0EB 9 0 54.97694 -1.422171
NE34 0EE 11 1 54.976604 -1.421736
NE34 0EF 13 0 54.97683 -1.41972
NE34 0EG 18 0 54.97642 -1.420429
NE34 0EH 10 0 54.975573 -1.420035
NE34 0EJ 6 0 54.974826 -1.419764
NE34 0EL 65 0 54.974796 -1.419124
NE34 0EN 17 0 54.975104 -1.421635
NE34 0EQ 52 0 54.974524 -1.420519
NE34 0ES 7 0 54.972868 -1.418058
NE34 0ET 34 0 54.974485 -1.417926
NE34 0EU 28 0 54.975173 -1.417181
NE34 0EW 23 0 54.973136 -1.419789
NE34 0EX 12 0 54.972788 -1.416451
NE34 0HA 11 0 54.967575 -1.446954
NE34 0HB 63 0 54.973896 -1.441977
NE34 0HG 7 0 54.971971 -1.422149
NE34 0HH 63 0 54.973125 -1.42121