all postcodes in NE38 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE38 7RL 0 54.896306 -1.521744
NE38 7RP 1 54.9008 -1.536081
NE38 7RQ 0 54.896415 -1.519716
NE38 7RR 9 54.89961 -1.532527
NE38 7RT 21 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7RU 2 54.901121 -1.533176
NE38 7RW 15 54.903426 -1.531656
NE38 7RX 1 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7RY 1 54.898541 -1.530153
NE38 7RZ 1 54.899174 -1.531315
NE38 7SA 41 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7SD 15 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7SB 16 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7SF 1 54.900792 -1.536068
NE38 7SG 1 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7SH 1 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7SQ 1 54.899583 -1.532511
NE38 7SS 2 54.89804 -1.528737
NE38 7SZ 1 54.899102 -1.531269
NE38 7TA 0 54.894039 -1.518746