all postcodes in NE38 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE38 7QH 0 54.902146 -1.528256
NE38 7QJ 0 54.901497 -1.527733
NE38 7QL 0 54.900982 -1.527131
NE38 7QN 0 54.900752 -1.527944
NE38 7QP 0 54.900737 -1.528709
NE38 7QQ 0 54.901937 -1.527697
NE38 7QR 0 54.901142 -1.528985
NE38 7QS 0 54.897115 -1.526256
NE38 7QT 0 54.896452 -1.524518
NE38 7QU 0 54.89674 -1.527087
NE38 7QW 0 54.901139 -1.528236
NE38 7QX 0 54.896206 -1.525893
NE38 7RA 0 54.898181 -1.520895
NE38 7RB 0 54.898554 -1.522076
NE38 7RD 0 54.897302 -1.521202
NE38 7RE 0 54.896823 -1.523016
NE38 7RF 0 54.897582 -1.523974
NE38 7RG 0 54.897612 -1.52006
NE38 7RH 0 54.896598 -1.51817
NE38 7RJ 0 54.897984 -1.518855