all postcodes in NE38 / WASHINGTON

find any address or company within the NE38 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE38 7ER 14 0 54.894567 -1.509166
NE38 7ET 6 0 54.894032 -1.510311
NE38 7EU 6 0 54.892679 -1.522566
NE38 7EX 39 0 54.894077 -1.521583
NE38 7EY 55 0 54.894361 -1.523014
NE38 7EZ 35 0 54.894868 -1.521761
NE38 7HA 9 0 54.893388 -1.520188
NE38 7HB 65 0 54.891273 -1.526028
NE38 7HD 31 0 54.891323 -1.525061
NE38 7HE 39 0 54.892353 -1.526639
NE38 7HF 38 0 54.893506 -1.527203
NE38 7HG 8 0 54.892919 -1.521971
NE38 7HH 26 0 54.895347 -1.513211
NE38 7HJ 29 0 54.904486 -1.517795
NE38 7HL 46 0 54.904461 -1.515908
NE38 7HN 8 2 54.903826 -1.518957
NE38 7HP 11 3 54.904493 -1.519401
NE38 7HQ 1 1 54.895728 -1.523325
NE38 7HR 21 0 54.905079 -1.519971
NE38 7HS 18 6 54.903174 -1.520256