all postcodes in NE46 / CORBRIDGE

find any address or company within the NE46 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE46 2AA 0 54.968055 -2.107387
NE46 2AB 0 54.967433 -2.109884
NE46 2AD 0 54.967055 -2.110742
NE46 2AE 0 54.967332 -2.111727
NE46 2AF 0 54.967038 -2.10943
NE46 2AG 0 54.966597 -2.109991
NE46 2AH 0 54.96696 -2.106697
NE46 2AJ 0 54.966671 -2.107727
NE46 2AL 0 54.965979 -2.107756
NE46 2AN 0 54.965735 -2.109489
NE46 2AP 0 54.965125 -2.108816
NE46 2AQ 0 54.967292 -2.107229
NE46 2AR 0 54.96542 -2.110176
NE46 2AS 0 54.964191 -2.107908
NE46 2AT 0 54.965078 -2.110737
NE46 2AU 0 54.964941 -2.112689
NE46 2AW 0 54.965404 -2.107802
NE46 2AX 0 54.965147 -2.11372
NE46 2AY 0 54.964948 -2.114782
NE46 2AZ 0 54.96539 -2.113049