all postcodes in NE5 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE5 4JJ 0 55.007151 -1.690678
NE5 4JL 0 55.00521 -1.694179
NE5 4JN 0 55.005478 -1.693614
NE5 4JP 0 55.00671 -1.694058
NE5 4JQ 2 55.00742 -1.693912
NE5 4JR 0 55.008479 -1.693701
NE5 4JS 0 55.008819 -1.693073
NE5 4JT 0 55.008842 -1.691337
NE5 4JU 0 55.008874 -1.689711
NE5 4JX 1 55.008513 -1.692919
NE5 4LA 0 55.004645 -1.680707
NE5 4LB 0 55.005393 -1.681467
NE5 4LD 0 55.006536 -1.682255
NE5 4LE 0 55.003201 -1.681797
NE5 4LF 0 55.003541 -1.681216
NE5 4LG 1 55.007917 -1.695143
NE5 4LJ 0 55.002865 -1.680627
NE5 4LL 0 55.001994 -1.680915
NE5 4LN 0 55.001391 -1.68131
NE5 4LQ 0 55.001619 -1.681841