all postcodes in NE5 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE5 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE5 4LR 0 55.007185 -1.693523
NE5 4LS 0 55.007777 -1.693065
NE5 4LT 0 55.00737 -1.692239
NE5 4LU 0 55.006527 -1.692574
NE5 4LX 0 55.006866 -1.691821
NE5 4LY 0 55.006239 -1.692608
NE5 4LZ 0 55.000313 -1.694388
NE5 4NB 3 55.003675 -1.677713
NE5 4NE 0 55.006692 -1.690634
NE5 4NF 0 55.006295 -1.68984
NE5 4NH 0 55.003325 -1.677762
NE5 4NR 0 55.005544 -1.691237
NE5 4NS 0 55.004272 -1.692967
NE5 4NT 0 55.003823 -1.696503
NE5 4NU 0 55.004606 -1.697045
NE5 4NX 0 55.006195 -1.696501
NE5 4NY 0 55.006345 -1.695327
NE5 4PA 0 55.004931 -1.694165
NE5 4PB 0 55.004438 -1.694638
NE5 4PD 0 55.004151 -1.694781