all postcodes in NE64 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NE64 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE64 6BH 0 55.189977 -1.510821
NE64 6BJ 0 55.190769 -1.511266
NE64 6BL 0 55.191156 -1.509188
NE64 6BN 0 55.189871 -1.509173
NE64 6BQ 0 55.18897 -1.510692
NE64 6BW 0 55.189152 -1.508946
NE64 6DA 0 55.185334 -1.50926
NE64 6DE 0 55.188653 -1.507805
NE64 6DF 0 55.188431 -1.508594
NE64 6DG 0 55.188371 -1.50927
NE64 6DH 0 55.188105 -1.507985
NE64 6DJ 0 55.188119 -1.506854
NE64 6DL 0 55.187736 -1.506449
NE64 6DN 0 55.187373 -1.505637
NE64 6DP 1 55.18681 -1.503132
NE64 6DQ 0 55.187933 -1.509935
NE64 6DR 2 55.186857 -1.505896
NE64 6DS 0 55.186573 -1.505662
NE64 6DT 0 55.186324 -1.505306
NE64 6DU 0 55.186209 -1.505778