all postcodes in NE64 / NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA

find any address or company within the NE64 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE64 6DW 1 55.187578 -1.504206
NE64 6DX 0 55.186238 -1.506155
NE64 6DY 0 55.18623 -1.506532
NE64 6DZ 0 55.18616 -1.506988
NE64 6EA 0 55.18627 -1.507552
NE64 6EB 0 55.185855 -1.507917
NE64 6ED 0 55.185842 -1.508374
NE64 6EE 0 55.185538 -1.50877
NE64 6EG 5 55.185139 -1.510047
NE64 6EL 0 55.185366 -1.513734
NE64 6EQ 0 55.18768 -1.511728
NE64 6EW 1 55.167722 -1.544216
NE64 6HA 0 55.186847 -1.512524
NE64 6HB 0 55.187284 -1.511513
NE64 6HD 0 55.188832 -1.516756
NE64 6HE 0 55.18817 -1.513951
NE64 6HG 2 55.186291 -1.517179
NE64 6HH 0 55.187363 -1.514322
NE64 6HJ 0 55.186831 -1.515037
NE64 6HL 1 55.185318 -1.515305