all postcodes in NE7 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE7 7QX 41 0 55.001517 -1.585027
NE7 7QY 19 0 54.998939 -1.585428
NE7 7RA 44 0 54.999778 -1.586405
NE7 7RB 38 1 54.999309 -1.583205
NE7 7RD 38 0 55.000897 -1.582501
NE7 7RE 17 0 55.002951 -1.586732
NE7 7RF 14 0 54.998767 -1.564499
NE7 7RG 35 0 54.996126 -1.56223
NE7 7RH 36 0 54.996126 -1.56223
NE7 7RL 43 0 54.9947 -1.580799
NE7 7RN 33 5 54.993244 -1.578094
NE7 7RP 25 0 54.993921 -1.573867
NE7 7RQ 32 0 54.994461 -1.569157
NE7 7RR 18 4 54.995129 -1.564961
NE7 7RS 28 0 54.995364 -1.565302
NE7 7RT 36 0 54.996444 -1.565759
NE7 7RU 19 0 54.997789 -1.567261
NE7 7RW 44 0 54.996126 -1.56223
NE7 7RX 51 0 54.996792 -1.565099
NE7 7RY 1 0 54.991972 -1.582093