all postcodes in NE7 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE7 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE7 7HH 24 0 54.992781 -1.584617
NE7 7HJ 4 0 54.993961 -1.585574
NE7 7HL 13 0 54.994934 -1.586329
NE7 7HN 58 4 54.997195 -1.587994
NE7 7HP 20 10 54.998467 -1.590075
NE7 7HQ 25 0 54.99784 -1.592521
NE7 7HR 49 0 54.995936 -1.585662
NE7 7HS 49 0 54.995945 -1.585661
NE7 7HT 42 0 54.993732 -1.581762
NE7 7HU 8 0 54.994806 -1.583064
NE7 7HX 37 0 54.994686 -1.5848
NE7 7HY 17 0 54.995284 -1.583512
NE7 7HZ 4 0 54.996423 -1.585408
NE7 7JA 25 0 54.996039 -1.583473
NE7 7JB 21 0 54.996635 -1.584467
NE7 7JD 39 0 54.996534 -1.58625
NE7 7JE 1 1 54.998781 -1.589057
NE7 7JR 54 0 54.99411 -1.574053
NE7 7JS 7 0 54.996224 -1.569622
NE7 7JT 56 0 54.995716 -1.57327