all postcodes in NG18 / MANSFIELD

find any address or company within the NG18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG18 2JJ 31 0 53.141032 -1.185523
NG18 2JL 18 4 53.141984 -1.18676
NG18 2JN 5 0 53.141821 -1.183923
NG18 2JP 30 0 53.141025 -1.184596
NG18 2JQ 11 0 53.139519 -1.186463
NG18 2JS 19 0 53.140182 -1.186166
NG18 2JW 1 1 53.143098 -1.190537
NG18 2LB 6 6 53.143272 -1.18844
NG18 2LD 1 1 53.154679 -1.187119
NG18 2LF 10 4 53.143231 -1.187649
NG18 2LG 14 6 53.144062 -1.184359
NG18 2LH 69 0 53.142787 -1.185908
NG18 2LJ 10 0 53.142964 -1.185441
NG18 2LL 43 0 53.144579 -1.183706
NG18 2LN 36 0 53.145932 -1.183023
NG18 2LP 20 0 53.144448 -1.182916
NG18 2LQ 19 2 53.143778 -1.184902
NG18 2LR 10 0 53.144612 -1.181986
NG18 2LS 44 0 53.144976 -1.181277
NG18 2LT 40 1 53.147091 -1.182896