all postcodes in NG18 / MANSFIELD

find any address or company within the NG18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG18 2RJ 6 5 53.140775 -1.18995
NG18 2RL 21 21 53.141089 -1.188554
NG18 2RN 36 0 53.138581 -1.193985
NG18 2RQ 40 0 53.13958 -1.190095
NG18 2RS 3 0 53.137404 -1.18867
NG18 2RT 15 2 53.13802 -1.189436
NG18 2RU 43 2 53.138502 -1.188919
NG18 2RX 9 0 53.139023 -1.188819
NG18 2RY 52 0 53.138078 -1.187297
NG18 2RZ 23 1 53.137776 -1.187946
NG18 2SA 16 0 53.137533 -1.187921
NG18 2SB 27 0 53.13831 -1.185768
NG18 2SD 37 1 53.138905 -1.187401
NG18 2SE 35 1 53.138672 -1.187525
NG18 2SF 24 0 53.139046 -1.189581
NG18 2SG 38 1 53.139044 -1.189252
NG18 2SH 24 2 53.139015 -1.191675
NG18 2SQ 26 3 53.139019 -1.190882
NG18 2TA 1 1 53.139779 -1.192886
NG18 2TB 1 1 53.139779 -1.192886