all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 7RF 0 52.931031 -1.142026
NG2 7RG 0 52.931089 -1.14259
NG2 7RH 0 52.931089 -1.14259
NG2 7RJ 0 52.929647 -1.142113
NG2 7RL 4 52.928217 -1.148225
NG2 7RN 2 52.92917 -1.145693
NG2 7RP 0 52.92678 -1.150931
NG2 7RQ 1 52.927928 -1.146758
NG2 7RR 0 52.924423 -1.140743
NG2 7RS 12 52.918675 -1.152726
NG2 7RT 0 52.916884 -1.151154
NG2 7RU 0 52.915306 -1.150412
NG2 7RW 0 52.924307 -1.142025
NG2 7RX 0 52.916939 -1.150083
NG2 7RY 0 52.916102 -1.14992
NG2 7RZ 0 52.914849 -1.151893
NG2 7SA 0 52.930556 -1.142169
NG2 7SB 0 52.916133 -1.154277
NG2 7SE 0 52.914354 -1.150639
NG2 7SF 0 52.916697 -1.152616