all postcodes in NG2 / NOTTINGHAM

find any address or company within the NG2 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG2 7SG 0 52.916154 -1.152135
NG2 7SH 0 52.918151 -1.156097
NG2 7SJ 0 52.91767 -1.154262
NG2 7SL 0 52.91723 -1.154301
NG2 7SN 0 52.91708 -1.15588
NG2 7SP 0 52.917728 -1.151064
NG2 7SQ 0 52.916853 -1.153044
NG2 7SR 0 52.929242 -1.144456
NG2 7SS 0 52.921608 -1.155584
NG2 7ST 0 52.924673 -1.155539
NG2 7SU 0 52.909475 -1.147195
NG2 7SX 0 52.909641 -1.148961
NG2 7SY 0 52.910194 -1.147107
NG2 7SZ 0 52.910418 -1.148292
NG2 7TB 0 52.909902 -1.146592
NG2 7TD 0 52.909265 -1.148002
NG2 7TE 0 52.911158 -1.152486
NG2 7TF 0 52.910247 -1.150793
NG2 7TG 0 52.909638 -1.149794
NG2 7TH 0 52.919225 -1.155452