all postcodes in NG22 / NEWARK

find any address or company within the NG22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG22 8DJ 4 0 53.103252 -1.02873
NG22 8DL 17 0 53.104216 -1.02775
NG22 8DN 18 0 53.104278 -1.028794
NG22 8DP 31 0 53.105859 -1.029881
NG22 8DQ 8 0 53.103674 -1.028569
NG22 8DR 20 0 53.104914 -1.028436
NG22 8DS 17 0 53.105862 -1.028059
NG22 8DT 30 0 53.104756 -1.031114
NG22 8DU 5 0 53.080264 -0.99576
NG22 8DW 22 0 53.104512 -1.029894
NG22 8DZ 28 0 53.099182 -1.035603
NG22 8EA 20 2 53.101879 -1.031285
NG22 8EB 24 1 53.101193 -1.02749
NG22 8ED 5 0 53.095664 -1.026392
NG22 8EE 46 0 53.100885 -1.032831
NG22 8EF 47 11 53.102442 -1.033974
NG22 8EG 6 1 53.101274 -1.033136
NG22 8EH 16 0 53.101059 -1.034336
NG22 8EJ 5 0 53.099126 -1.032019
NG22 8EL 1 0 53.099271 -1.034465