all postcodes in NG22 / NEWARK

find any address or company within the NG22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NG / Nottingham

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NG22 8EN 1 0 53.090828 -1.038611
NG22 8EP 29 0 53.100972 -1.034696
NG22 8EQ 13 0 53.100391 -1.033947
NG22 8ER 5 0 53.100826 -1.036581
NG22 8ES 3 0 53.10127 -1.037109
NG22 8ET 7 0 53.101737 -1.037024
NG22 8EU 5 0 53.102089 -1.034985
NG22 8EW 5 1 53.08927 -1.052861
NG22 8EX 12 0 53.101886 -1.033242
NG22 8EY 14 2 53.102646 -1.036033
NG22 8FN 1 0 53.102584 -1.037077
NG22 8EZ 10 0 53.102428 -1.037965
NG22 8FA 17 0 53.099633 -1.031351
NG22 8FB 19 0 53.100678 -1.03061
NG22 8FD 9 0 53.100152 -1.031055
NG22 8FE 20 0 53.106839 -1.043259
NG22 8FH 1 0 53.074593 -0.814309
NG22 8GZ 5 0 53.112257 -0.987473
NG22 8HA 2 0 53.101964 -1.039346
NG22 8HB 5 3 53.100575 -1.042322